School Profile

Newcomb Primary School is situated six kilometres from the city of Geelong at the approach to the Bellarine Peninsula.  Our motto is ‘Strive for Knowledge.’

Newcomb Primary School has developed a strong supportive relationship between the school and the community which is evidenced by a strong School Council and sub-committees, Parents and Friends Association, Junior School Council and numerous volunteer helpers.

 The school currently has 135 students enrolled and 8 classes. Newcomb Primary School has remained committed to achieving a low student teacher ratio.

The daily classroom schedule revolves around a two hour literacy block and a one hour numeracy block each day.  Classroom teachers also lead learning of Core Knowledge, Auslan and our Social and Emotional curriculum.  Specialist Teachers provide weekly lessons in STEM, Visual Arts and Physical Education.


We have worked to maintain a high level of computer technology throughout our school to provide vital access to digital learning to all areas of the curriculum and across all class levels. The school has a well resourced library which is computer catalogued and provides internet access for students. The school has a well developed computer network that is accessible to all students. We provide a 1-1 Ipad/laptop program. All classrooms are connected to high definition televisions.Newcomb Primary School completed a School Self Review in 2022. This review enabled us to examine our achievements in Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing priorities over the previous three years to form the current strategic plan to guide our school  throughout 2021-2025. A whole school approach to student wellbeing has been supported by all staff who use the School Wide Positive Behaviour approach. Our school Values are Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. The policies, practices and programs of Newcomb Primary School have been developed by the school community with the educational and welfare needs of our students as the prime responsibilities. The learning programs that are offered at Newcomb Primary School are firmly based on the belief that every student has the capacity to learn and that learning is maximised when students are provided with challenging experiences in an environment that is comfortable and supportive. Parent/Carer participation is actively encouraged and considered to be an essential part of the ethos and success of the school. We use the Disability Inclusion Profile to identify the strengths, needs and educational adjustments that we can make to support individual students.  We have 16 Education Support Staff who work across the school, providing both academic and social support for our students.  The staff encourages high student achievement and take pride in their students, the school's learning environment and facilities.  Staff, School Council and the Parents & Friends Sub-Committee have been instrumental in supporting the school's direction.