Schools play an important role in promoting student mental health and wellbeing. Education protects and supports a person's mental health across a lifetime. At Newcomb Primary School we understand the importance of creating a positive communit that enhances a sense of connection and belonging in students. Using a whole school approach we have developed a safe and inclusive school environment that promotes student mental health and wellbeing. We strive to work in partnership with all members of the school community.
Our wellbeing program supports students to develop:
- social and emotional skills and capabilities that promote life-long mental health and wellbeing.
- skills to problem-solve and manage the normal stressors of life.
- healthy relationships and the ability to work cooperatively with others and a sense of autonomy and purpose.
Wellbeing is supported at Newcomb Primary School through:
- employment of a full-time Wellbeing Coordinator, Sommer Minchin, who works closely with families and students.
- appointment of a Mental Health Leader, Lisa Wright, who assists with the development of Individual Learning Plans and Behaviour Management Plans.
- employment of two Learning Specialists, Lisa Wright and Robyn Evans, who provide coaching to foster inclusion and positive wellbeing.
- whole school involvement in The Resilience Project incorporating teacher staff professional development and a structured curriculum for weekly social and emotional learning.
- consistent use of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework and rewards system.
- a tiered system for referring and addressing wellbeing needs across the school.
- utilising The Berry Street Model to incorporate trauma informed teaching strategies in the classroom.
- teaching students how to use the Zones of Regulation throughout their school day.
- incorporating the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships resources to develop students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.
- utilisation of specialised support.